Is Kitchen Refacing Worth It?

drawing new kitchen refacing plans

Kitchen Refacing is often considered as a budget option to revitalise the look of a kitchen with new colours, looks or surfaces. In some cases where the existing layout and structural integrity of the cabinetry are sound, refacing can provide a budget alternative to a complete renovation.

From our vast experience, the overall proposition of refacing an existing poorly designed kitchen fails to address the faults and opportunities presented by undertaking a complete renovation. At the end of the day, you’re left with the same old kitchen cabinetry and its inherent faults, which one day will fail and require complete replacement.

The First Thing to Know About Kitchens Before Thinking of Refacing

Kitchens are made up of many components—cabinetry (or Carcasses), drawer and door hardware, external door and panel finishes, and benchtop finishes. Out of all of these, the cabinetry is the cheapest part, so be mindful that with any reface, you are replacing the expensive parts. You must ensure the existing cabinets will last as long as the new finishes, or you will be doing it all over again.

On top of this you will still have trade costs and depending on the extent of the reface you could be up for new appliances, sinks, taps and splashbacks which could all come into play.

installing new cabinetry

The Economics of Kitchen Refacing

In its simplest form, kitchen refacing involves replacing all visible cabinetry panels, including doors, drawers, end panels, and oven towers. It can also include replacing handles and some hardware.

This type of refacing gives your kitchen a fresh look without addressing any design layout faults or making any changes. It would generally be completed for approximately 40 – 50% of the price of replacing your whole kitchen like for like. This type of refacing requires a cabinetmaker/fitter plus an electrician to remove and refit any ovens.

The next type of refacing includes benchtop replacement. You can choose to:

1. Replace your laminated bench top like for like thickness, which can potentially save your splashback from requiring replacement, also

OR you can

2. Upgrade* to a stone-type bench top, which will also require splashback replacement due to the different thicknesses of laminated v stone benchtops. Benchtop replacement also requires a plumber to remove and refit the sink/s and an electrician to remove and refit cooktops and power points/switches.

Refacing plus option 1 benchtop replacement would generally be completed for approximately 65 – 70% of the price of replacing your whole kitchen, like for like, while option 2 would be approximately 80 – 85%.

*Oftentimes, it is not possible to upgrade a laminated benchtop to a stone-type benchtop due to the existing cabinetry not being originally manufactured to support the additional weight of the stone.

If your needs require any design layout changes or cabinetry replacements, these can also be completed for approximately 90-95% of the price of replacing your whole kitchen like for like.

Pros of Refacing

  • Budget-friendly in its simplest form
  • This can be done in stages to spread costs
  • In its simplest form, work can be completed in one to two days (with new benchtops, up to 4 days)

Cons of Refacing

  • To remain economical, flexibility to address design or layout faults is restrictive
  • Even minor cabinet design/layout changes can make cost comparative to a whole new kitchen
  • You still end up with your same old kitchen design/layout with its inherent faults and old structural cabinetry
  • Refacing trade costs can be as much or more than trades for a new kitchen installation as the old kitchen will have the additional cost to remove panels, doors, possibly bench tops and some cabinets before the new ones can be installed.

looking at kitchen plans

Is Kitchen Refacing the Right Choice?

For many, the choice between kitchen refacing or complete kitchen renovation will come down to a financial decision. And, rightly so for some. If you’re happy with your current bench top, it’s possible to reface your kitchen to a clean, updated colour scheme for approximately 50% of the price of a completely new kitchen. (depending on the finishes you choose)

With the price of a completely new kitchen averaging ~$35-55k these days, a reasonable starting budget of ~$ 18-20k should get you started.

The economic advantage of kitchen refacing becomes substantially diluted when you start replacing benchtops and splashbacks or remodelling your cabinetry. Costs can climb quickly when you factor in plumbers, electricians and possibly plasterers and painters.

Many people we have worked with over the years who were considering kitchen refacing have decided to proceed with a complete kitchen renovation simply to take advantage of the opportunity to address pre-existing design faults properly and have longevity in the new kitchen.

Recommended read: How Much Does a Kitchen Renovation Cost?

If you’d like to find out if kitchen refacing is the right option for you, simply call our friendly team at 1300 650 681 or complete the form below to book a personalised kitchen refacing consultation. Our friendly and highly experienced kitchen designers can visit you in the comfort of your own home, advise you of the options available, and assist you in making the best decision for your circumstances.

Easy Living Kitchens is Brisbane’s leading one-stop shop for kitchen renovations. All of our cabinetry is manufactured locally here in Brisbane, supporting local businesses and families. We bring the showroom to you so you can touch, feel, compare, and choose, all in the comfort of your own home. There is no need to waste your valuable time travelling all over town and visiting showroom after showroom.

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